Hi friends,
One of my favorite all-time quotations comes from Jack Kerouac. “Practice kindness all day to everybody and you will realize you're already in heaven now,” he said. I’ve probably read that 200 times and it hits me deeply every time.
Below, I’ve compiled some kindness ideas each of us can implement into our daily routine. Please comment or reply to this email with any additional kindness ideas.
Our world needs them now more than ever.
Everyday acts of kindness
Hold the door open for someone.
Compliment a stranger sincerely.
Let someone go ahead of you in line.
Offer your seat on public transportation.
Smile at people you pass by.
Leave a generous tip for service workers.
Pick up litter in your neighborhood or park.
Donate books to a local library or little free library.
Help someone carry heavy bags or groceries.
Write a positive online review for a local business.
Return shopping carts left in the parking lot.
Offer to take a photo for a couple or family at a scenic spot.
Give out free hugs (when appropriate).
Leave uplifting sticky notes in public places (bathroom mirrors, office, library, etc.).
Offer to take an elderly neighbor’s trash bins out.
Financial kindness
Pay for the next person’s coffee or meal.
Cover the toll for the car behind you.
Donate to a GoFundMe or someone in need.
Leave quarters at a laundromat.
Buy a meal for a homeless person.
Tip extra for delivery drivers.
Sponsor a child's lunch at school.
Fill up someone's gas tank who is struggling financially.
Buy someone’s bus or subway fare.
Donate to a teacher’s classroom wishlist.
Kindness for friends & family
Send a handwritten letter just because.
Surprise a friend with a small gift or flowers.
Call a grandparent or elderly relative just to chat.
Offer to babysit or dog-sit for a friend who needs a break.
Drop off homemade food or treats for a neighbor.
Create a playlist for someone who needs cheering up.
Tell someone why you appreciate them.
Send a surprise Venmo with a note like "coffee’s on me today!"
Leave a positive voice memo for a friend.
Offer to run an errand for someone feeling overwhelmed.
Kindness for co-workers & colleagues
Bring in coffee or snacks for your office.
Write a thank-you note to a co-worker.
Offer to help someone with their workload.
Leave an anonymous encouraging note on a colleague’s desk.
Send an email praising a co-worker to their boss.
Recognize someone's hard work publicly.
Take time to listen to a co-worker vent without offering advice.
Offer to cover a shift for someone in need.
Bring in snacks or bagels for no reason.
Send a co-worker's boss an email praising that co-worker.
Offer mentorship or advice to a newer employee.
Kindness for strangers
Pay for a stranger’s parking meter.
Leave an umbrella in a public space for someone who needs it.
Offer water bottles or snacks to delivery drivers.
Write a kind note and leave it in a library book.
Buy extra pet food and donate it to a shelter.
Carry an extra pair of gloves in winter to give away.
Offer directions to a lost tourist.
Give a genuine compliment to a cashier or retail worker.
Hold the elevator for someone running to catch it.
Say “thank you” to a janitor, security guard, or sanitation worker.
Kindness for the community
Volunteer at a food bank or shelter.
Donate clothes you no longer wear.
Plant a tree or flowers in a public space.
Start a free little library or food pantry.
Bake cookies for firefighters or police officers.
Organize a neighborhood cleanup.
Support a local artist by buying their work.
Pay for someone’s layaway at a store.
Offer free rides to someone without transportation.
Sponsor a child's extracurricular activity.
Kindness for yourself
Speak kindly to yourself.
Take a break (or a nap!) when you need one.
Treat yourself to something you enjoy.
Set boundaries to protect your energy.
Every morning, write down three different things you’re grateful for.
Allow yourself to rest without guilt.
Spend time in nature and move your body to recharge.
Celebrate your own accomplishments.
Forgive yourself for past mistakes.
Invest in self-care without feeling selfish.