Small gestures ripple outward. They linger, they add up. So be the one. The one who pays attention. The one who does the little things, not for recognition, but because they make life better for someone else, and maybe even for you, too.
Be the one who lets others finish their sentence. Be the one who simply asks others how they’re doing. Be the one who lets other drivers go first. Be the one who gives people the benefit of the doubt. Be the one who assumes good intentions. Be the one who lets the little things go—the forgotten text, the offhand comment, the small mistake. Be the one who understands that everyone is carrying something unseen.
Be the one who holds the door open. Be the one who remembers names. Be the one who listens more than they speak. Be the one who gives credit where it’s due. Be the one who sends the kind text. Be the one who shows up. Be the one who makes people feel seen. Be the one who chooses kindness, even when no one’s watching.
Be the one who cleans up after themselves. Be the one who buys beers for the kitchen staff. Be the one who brings attention to the underappreciated workers.
Be the one who waves at their neighbors. Be the one who picks up trash that isn’t theirs. Be the one who returns the shopping cart. Be the one who gives up their seat. Be the one who writes handwritten thank-you notes. Be the one who stays humble, even when they win. Be the one who compliments the effort, not just the outcome. Be the one who makes space for others. Be the one who cheers for someone else’s success. Be the one who means it when they say, “Take your time.” Be the one who shops local. Be the one who makes the world feel a little lighter, just by being in it.
Be the one who tips the housekeepers so generously that they smile in disbelief. Be the one who thanks the janitor by name. Be the one who stops to appreciate the street musician — and tip them. Be the one who leaves an extra big tip for the server at the end of their shift. Be the one who acknowledges the delivery driver, the cashier, the security guard. Be the one who treats everyone with dignity, no matter their job. Be the one who gives without expecting anything in return. Be the one who reminds others, through actions more than words, that kindness is never wasted.
Be the one who pays for the next person in line’s coffee. Be the one who holds the elevator instead of pretending not to see. Be the one who offers their umbrella in the rain. Be the one who checks in on a friend, just because. Be the one who donates anonymously. Be the one who leaves a kind review instead of just a complaint. Be the one who shares their knowledge freely. Be the one who includes everyone in the conversation. Be the one who makes people feel at home, no matter where they are. Be the one who believes in the good and adds to it.
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Be the one who makes kindness effortless. Not for attention. Not for applause. Just because it’s the right way to move through the world. Be the one who texts back, even when life is busy. Be the one who stops to help someone struggling with their luggage.
Be the one who sends flowers, just because. Be the one who grabs an extra coffee for a coworker. Be the one who returns the grocery cart even when it’s pouring rain. Be the one who stays late to help a friend move, who sits in the ER with someone who shouldn’t be alone, who takes the long way home just to drop off soup when someone is sick.
Be the one who claps the loudest at a little kid’s recital. Be the one who buys a book for a friend just because it reminded you of them. Be the one who notices the person standing alone at a party and invites them into the conversation. Be the one who leaves a ridiculously big tip when the service is great. Be the one who hands an extra water bottle to the construction worker on a hot day. Be the one who rounds up at the checkout for charity, who pays off a stranger’s layaway bill, who covers a meal for the person who forgot their wallet.
Be the one who shovels a neighbor’s driveway after a snowstorm. Be the one who drops off baked goods to the fire station. Be the one who thanks a veteran. Be the one who holds space for someone else’s grief, without rushing them to move on. Be the one who shows up, over and over, in the small ways that add up to something bigger.
Be the one who picks up the check when no one’s looking. Be the one who gives up the better seat. Be the one who offers a stranger a genuine compliment. Be the one who stays behind to help clean up. Be the one who makes eye contact and says, “Thank you.” Be the one who notices when someone is struggling. Be the one who remembers birthdays, not because a calendar reminds them, but because people matter. Be the one who leaves the last slice for someone else. Be the one who laughs at the joke that didn’t quite land. Be the one who forgives, even when it’s hard. Be the one who believes in second chances. Be the one who loves loudly, lives generously, and gives freely…because this world could always use more of that.
Celebrate your gifts,
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I found myself smiling deeper for each “be the one” ♥️